Computer Science (CSC3)

What will I learn?

Computer science is one of the fastest growing fields of study. During this course you will learn how to develop an advanced computer program, website or game - using complex tools and techniques. You will learn advanced programming concepts with Python, understand how to store data in relational databases, to learn to use modern frameworks such as React and Flask for web applications, or Unity for game development.

How will this course be assessed?

During Term 1, you will complete most of the research and design for your project, while completing the User Experience Methodologies OR th Critical Inquiry Achievement Standards.

Will there be any FAO?  (Further Assessment Opportunities)

A further assessment opportunity will NOT be available as all assessments are projects based and will be completed over a period of time with several checkpoints on the way.

What should I have already achieved?

Ideally at least 14 credits in NCEA Level 2 Computer Science Achievement Standards.

Since this course covers advanced programming techniques, some prior experience with programming is required. Students with no prior programming experience may still apply - with approval from the Technology Curriculum Leader.