
Click on NZQA links to Visual Arts subject resources for information about the standards

What should I have already achieved?

Successfully completed the VAD1/DVC1 course  or with TIC approval.

What will I learn?

Studying Design enables students to develop knowledge and understanding of design processes, and to learn to solve design problems in a variety of areas of design of their choice. Some of these areas may include digital drawing, image manipulation, packaging, magazine layout, typography, illustration, anime, web design, etc. Students are able to explore and develop a wide range of creative solutions using a variety of skills, media and processes in 2D and 3D informed by established artist models. As part of their learning process, students will learn and become confident with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects and other appropriate software in order to present their ideas.

How will this course be assessed?

You will be offered 2 x four credit internal assessments and 1 x 12 Credit external portfolio.  These include the AS2.2, AS2.3, internal standards will be assessed in workbook evidence portfolio formats with digital outcomes.  AS2.4 external standard is assessed as a 2 panel folio board or digital folio. 

Will there be any FAO? (Further Assessment Opportunities)

No, there is no FAO in Visual Arts as students work to an external portfolio of work. 

NOTE: BYOD Laptop computer (minimum system requirements - Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 10 (Version 1709 or later) or macOS version 10.12(Sierra) or later and 8 GB or more of RAM recommended)