Level 3 Dance

Potential pathways:

Transferable skills you'll develop: 

What should I have already achieved?
For the best success it is recommended that you have taken level 1 and 2 Dance. However students who have demonstrated a passion for Performing Arts either within school or externally are also welcome to take this course after meeting with  and being approved by the teacher in charge.

What will I learn?
In year 13 Dance you will continue to develop your technical skills, movement understanding, performance and choreography to a higher level, preparing you for Tertiary and Industry level training. 

You will learn a repertoire of contrasting Dance styles, demonstrating comprehensive knowledge through practical and theoretical assessment. Theoretical assessment will include in-depth study in to Dance History, progression and present day application. You will develop Dance literacy by applying it to enrich your practice, to justify your performance and choreographic decisions, and to analyse your own and others work.

Potential styles include and are not limited to: Contemporary, Hip Hop, Theatre Jazz, Salsa, Bollywood, Bhangra, Pasifika Dance, K-Pop.

There will be opportunities for you to teach from your own culture and expertise in the Producing/Choreography standards. In choreography you will be guided to develop your own ideas, expression, and sense of identity. You will be encouraged to ask questions, challenge assumptions, promote difference and provoke alternative thinking. 

Dance is an approved subject for University Entrance and an academic Scholarship subject at Level 3.

Others opportunities throughout the year will include:

How will this course be assessed?
There are three internals and one external end of year exam. These are:

What are the course costs?
Approximately $50-$100 for live performances and professional workshops during the year.