
What will I learn?
Chemistry enables us to understand the properties of different materials and to transform materials into new and useful substances. Through this course, students will develop an understanding of the structure, composition and properties of matter, how it chemically changes and the energy involved. Using the fundamental understanding of the properties of materials, students can make sense of the material world around them, and critically analyse what is going on. As a result, Chemistry students are better equipped to understand issues such as environmental sustainability as well as the development of new materials and sources of energy.
Atomic structure and bonding
Quantitative analysis
Organic Chemistry
Redox reactions
How will this course be assessed?
This course contains 6 Internal credits and 13 external credits. This will provide you with the opportunity to gain a total of 19 credits from this course. The course has been well structured to provide students with a varied range of assessment opportunities, such as report writing & practical investigation skills, as well as completing written assessments under examination conditions. These skills will be further developed in the Level 3 Chemistry course.
Internal assessments
Chem 2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of the chemistry used in the development of current technology (4 credits)
Chem 2.7 - Oxidation and reduction reactions (3 credits)
External assessments
Chem 2.4 - Structure, bonding and Energy changes (5 credits)
Chem 2.5 - Organic Chemistry (4 credits)
Chem 2.6 - Chemical Reactivity (4 credits)
Will there be any further assessment opportunities (FAO)?
There will be NO Further Assessment Opportunities for any of the internal standards offered for this course. It is advised that you make full use of your i-Times, formative/practice assessments, and feedback from your teacher, to ensure you are prepared for the internal standards. This will help you to achieve the best grade possible.