Level 3 Drama

What should I have already achieved?
For the best success it is recommended that you have taken level 2 Drama in the previous year. However students who have demonstrated a passion for performing arts either within the school or externally are also welcome to take this course.

What will I learn?
In L3 Drama you will continue to build upon your pre-existing Drama literacy. You will be further challenged to create coherent, effective drama performances. You will apply and justify your use of the drama elements, performance techniques, creative conventions and technologies in relation to your dramatic conceptual intentions. 

You will fine-tune your understanding and practice of the drama techniques, you will confidently use a variation of voice body, movement and space techniques to create engaging, realistic and effective character, story and stage presence. For each performance unit you will do in-depth analysis and reflection on the theatre style, themes, component decisions and dramatic intentions of your work. The scripts and conceptual topics we will explore will encourage you to gain a deeper appreciation of the rich, varying history of drama across many cultures, as well as providing opportunities for you to explore your own and others' cultural heritage, history, and issues or ideas which are interesting to you. The nature of Drama will encourage you to critically examine and challenge your own and others attitudes, behaviours, values and biases.

Drama is an approved subject for University Entrance and an academic Scholarship subject at Level 3.

How will this course be assessed?
There are three compulsory internals, and one external end of year exam. The internal standards are: one technique performance using a script of the students choice; script writing for which students must write and record an enactment of a one-act play; devising, for which students will direct and perform their own inspired work. The end of year exam will see students analyse a professional, live theatre work.

What are the course costs?
Approximately $50-$100 for live performances and professional workshops during the year.