English Language (ESL)  Level 1

What should I have already achieved?

Level 1: Competence in home languages and basic English language proficiency (ELLP Stage 1)

What will I learn?

This course is designed to meet the English language learning needs of students who are working at Stage 1 of The English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) & The English Language Intensive Programme (ELIP). These  unit standards  are  at a level comparable to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) A2.

The aim of the course is to give students a foundation in the English language and support students in their  curriculum subjects.

You will learn:

How will this course be assessed?

This course consists of Level 1 English Language Standards for reading, writing, speaking and listening. 

Will there be any FAO?  (Further Assessment Opportunities)

Yes but it is expected with good scaffolding for formative assessments there should be little need for further assessment opportunities (FOA). However, should the need arise then FOA's will be offered.

What are the course costs? None

Level 1 Standards