What will I learn?
Economics investigates how the New Zealand economy works and how people choose to use what they have in order to get what they want. Economics is part of everyday life and is an important part of political and social debate. Understanding economic ideas will help you answer questions such as
why do we have to pay tax?
why are prices going up?
what is the point of government?
why does the exchange rate keep changing?
Students who study Economics discover the reasons behind the news headlines and are able to explain the changes that are taking place in our economy and society. Students find they are more able to participate in political debate as a result of understanding economic ideas.
The workbook is highly recommended to support the learning for this course.
How will this course be assessed?
Learning in Economics will be assessed through both internal and external achievement standards. The focus is on learning the skills that are needed to explain how our economy works and how government policies affect our economy and society.
Will there be any FAO? (Further Assessment Opportunities)
Further Assessment Opportunities (FAO)?
There are no FAO in Level 3 Economics.
Resubmission will only be allowed where a student has gained a "Non-Achieved" grade. This opportunity would enable a student to gain an Achieved grade only.