
Course Overview 

Health (HEA3) is a university approved subject

HEA3 Year Planner

What is recommended to have when entering HEA3?

What are the costs for HEA3?

There are no costs for this course at this stage. There may be trip or other learning opportunities for HEA3 based on personalised learning for students in the course.  This will be optional for attendance . 

What could I learn about within HEA3 in 2021?

Current health practices associated with health issues within New Zealand

 a mental illness e.g. major or chronic depression 

 an addiction e.g. smoking 

 a physical illness or disease e.g. cancer, diabetes 

 pain management e.g. back pain, arthritis, migraines 

 reproductive health e.g. birth, (in)fertility.

 WSM, e.g. surgery, medication, counselling, physical therapies, green prescription 

 CAM, e.g. naturopathy, homeopathy, aromatherapy, or TM, e.g. Māori (or other cultural group) medicine.

Analyse current New Zealand health issues

mental health or resilience in school and the wider community 

 concepts of masculinity, or femininity 

 the portrayal of sexuality in the media 

 teenage sexual health

  use of a specific drug among 15-24 year olds

  prevalence of a specific disease in specific populations 

 discrimination, or harassment 

 ethnic or culturally specific issues 

 currently reported social problems such as – gambling, domestic violence.

Ethical Issues related to health & well-being

Health-related ethical issues may be derived from: 

 euthanasia

  immunisation 

 organ donation

  access to fertility treatment 

 reproductive technologies 

 access to elective cosmetic or other surgery  pornography 

 abortion

  access to contemporary medical technologies

  dress codes related to cultural or religious beliefs  parental rights and the treatment of children 

 privacy in the digital age.

International health issues impacting people in other countries or as well as New Zealand

Health-related issues may be derived from: 

 culture and gender 

 sexual and reproductive health 

 disease 

 immunisation 

 life expectancy 

 drug use 

 colonisation and the health of indigenous peoples 

 globalisation and health.