Media Studies L3 - Film & Media Studies

What should I have already achieved?

You should have at least 14 credits in NCEA level 2 Media Studies or L2 English. All students are assumed to have a good level of written English; there is considerable written assessment in the course.

Students without this background but with strong practical skills may be able to succeed in aspects of the course and should talk to Mr Johnson about the suitability of their preparation for this course.

What will I learn?

Level 3 Media Studies is about "The Media of the Future". 

You will learn to plan, write, and produce a professional quality media product that will be published. This professionally produced short film, or alternative production (magazine or podcast) (total 13 credits), will be worked on individually and in groups, over two terms.  You will draw on all of your skills gained from across your subjects in your twelve prior years of school experience.

You will study films and a film genre in depth, and examine current and future trends in the media.

How will this course be assessed?

There is the opportunity to be assessed against 16-17 internal credits and 4 external credits in this course. There are opportunities to extend yourself in optional English L3 Close Reading standard AS91480 (3 credits) or the English 3.2 Film Exam (4 credits).

Will there be any FAO?  (Further Assessment Opportunities)

Due to the amount of content in the year, there are no opportunities to achieve through a further assessment opportunity on any of these assessments. 

What are the course costs?

Optional $25 for 48 Hours film competition in May. Students should have their own USB thumb drives for backing up media files and exercise books for taking notes. A BYOD computer capable of running the Adobe CC suite (either Windows or Apple Mac) is strongly recommended.