Level 2 Music

What should I have already achieved?

For the best success, it is recommended that you have taken at least one Year 11 Music Course in the previous year. However, students who have demonstrated a passion for performing arts within or outside the school are also welcome to take this course.

What will I learn? 

Music at Level 2 will move in to two different areas, Making Music and Music Studies. At Ormiston Senior College students will be able to personalise their course choosing the learning which interests them. 

There will be opportunities to 

How will this course be assessed?

Students will be assessed on an assessment outline personalised by them. Their outline must have between 14-20 credits. A course which is above this must be with TIC Music and LA approval. Most of the standards are an ongoing portfolio type assessment where they will take 3 terms of the year to finalise.

Will there be any FAO?  (Further Assessment Opportunities)

There will be Further Assessment Opportunities as indicated above. There are resubmission opportunities, no resit opportunities.

Are there any Pre-requisite for Level 3 Music ? 

10 credits at Level 2 Music or a successful audition with TIC of Music