Business Studies
What should I have already achieved?
You have taken Business Studies for a semester in Level 1 or have gained NCEA Level 1 literacy.
Have an entrepreneurial spirit - ability to work in a team, a willingness to try new things and be awesome.
What will I learn?
The Level 2 course is a project based course where you will have the ability to set up and run a real business, make real products and use real money that your business wishes to invest.
How is this course assessed?
The focus is on learning the skills needed to effectively plan for and run a business. Learning in Business Studies is assessed through both internal and external achievement standards.
Motivation Theory Field Trip
In Term 1 students are recommended to visit AUT City Campus or Rainbows End to investigate the Motivation Theories used by the business to train their staff in order to ensure excellent customer service. The cost of this field trip is approximately $45 per student.
Will there be any FAO? (Further Assessment Opportunities)
No. The learning takes place over most of the year, from the start of Term 1 till the end of Term 3. The size and scale of the project means that FAO's are not able to be offered.
Will there be resubmissions?
Resubmission will only be allowed where a student has gained a "Non-Achieved" grade. This opportunity would enable a student to gain an Achieved grade only.
Business Studies Clauses:
Business Teachers will determine the necessity of any business visits for your business activity during school hours. If your teacher approves this, it will ONLY be permitted during your Business Studies class times. You will still follow the school's sign in and sign out procedures.
For any outsourcing of work to other students from other learning areas or use of premises such as Art, Technology or Computer Science, there must be a signed Memorandum of Agreement (Copy attached) between your Business Teacher and the other specialist teacher.
There is to be no display of paper posters around OSC. Instead, if you decide to create a stall banner, you will be allowed 2 afternoons after school in the Art Room, booked via your Business Teacher.
Business Investments-Students in business groups will need to determine how much they wish to invest in their business activities. A guide on the level of investment is $100 (Approximately $25 per student in a group of 4). This investment should cover set-up costs of product, product research, product design, stall hire, display of the product e.g. table cloth, banners.