Mathematics 3

Achievement Standards offered in MAT3

What should I have already achieved?

A sound understanding of NCEA Level 2 equations, trigonometry, graphs, and/or probability with evidence from NCEA Level 2 Mathematics results or equivalent is highly recommended.

What will I learn?

This course includes:

Systems of Equations: Equations in three variables (x, y and z).  You will need to write equations from words, solve them, describe them graphically and explore what happens in different situations.

Linear Programming: Using two variables to write and graph inequations to find a maximum profit or minimum cost.  Exploring what will happen when the conditions change. DESMOS (a graphing tool) will be used for this standard.

Time Series: Carry out investigations of phenomena, using the statistical enquiry cycle:  using existing data sets  finding, using, and assessing appropriate models (including additive models for time-series data), seeking explanations, and making predictions  using informed contextual knowledge  communicating findings and evaluating all stages of the cycle.

Probability Concepts: Developing an understanding of probability and risk at Level 3 of this standard.  Probability trees, Venn Diagrams, Two way Tables and whether events are independent or not are some of the topics covered. 

Conic Sections: Learning about the properties and equations of different conic sections: circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. Explore their standard forms, focus-directrix properties, and how to solve related problems, including applications in various contexts.

Bivariate Data: students will learn to analyze relationships between two variables. They'll explore concepts such as correlation, regression, and the use of scatter plots to interpret data. Additionally, students will learn to make predictions, assess the strength and direction of relationships, and understand the limitations of their analyses.

How will this course be assessed?

21 credits are available in this course. At least 17 credits is recommended including the external to enable students to achieve the course with endorsement. For late or missed assessments, please see our NCEA policy.

Some students who are struggling with this course may be entered into an individualised program, withdrawn from the external and given the opportunity to work at a slower pace.

Note: Access to an electronic device with spreadsheet capability is vital in Term 1- 3.  In addition, a graphics calculator is a big advantage.

NO FAO will be offered for any standard in this course.