Physical Education
Sports Science
What will I learn?
Within “Sports science” students will learn about the structure and function of the human body in relation to improving performance in physical activities. This course is based on the idea of seeing the body as a machine in order to make improvements. This course has links within a range of learning areas which will be explored.
Self, others and society
What will I learn?
Within the “S.O.S PE” pathway students will develop an understanding of Physical Education through a wide range of physical activities. These learning opportunities could include aspects of leadership, event planning, cultural and sporting events and possible Duke of Edinburgh related contexts. Each semester will cover a range of different contexts that students discuss and decide upon. This course will place emphasis on individuals, other people and society and the links to Physical Education and activity.
I ask questions that are the foundation for learning. There is no such thing as a dumb question or idea, it is the actions that I take that shape my learning.
The cheeky kea always shows critical curiosity, it wonders what your car is made of and uses all of the tools it has to quickly find out.
I learn by trying something new, looking at things in different ways, having fun and being bold in my choices.
The pukeko is playful, creative and resourceful and because of this it is one or the only native birds to truly thrive.
I look for connections with the wider world and I use these to make my learning relevant to my personal journey. Learning matters to me.
All pungawerewere (Spiders) make meaning with their web in different ways. The nursery web spiders uses what other spiders use to hunt as a way of protecting its young. It make meaning out of the web by connecting what it already knows with a new situation.
Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
All students have the opportunity to participate in and work towards gaining their Duke of Edinburgh award at Ormiston Senior College. In year 11 you will have the opportunity to complete the bronze award before moving onto the silver and gold awards. Students participating in this will be a part of training days and two adventurous journeys that are held in term one and term four 2019. Students are also equired to complete a service and skill as part of this award which needs to be logged on the online journal. The costs to register for this award is $86 and then additional costs to complete the adventurous journeys which will be shared with you closer to each trip.