Hospitality and Culinary
What should I have already achieved?
Ideally have completed 167
What will I learn?
This course follows on from Level 2 Hospitality with emphasis on practical food preparation skills and nutrition. Students work towards the art of making coffee and catering unit standards. The work includes hygiene, safety, food preparation to catering standards and processing a food product that meets a given specification.
How will this course be assessed?
This course offers up to 19 Level 3 credits. To successfully complete the course you must pass all standards. Teaching, formative assessment, and summative theory assessment will be conducted within the school environment, by the teacher-in charge. The summative baking practical assessment will be conducted at M.I.T under the direction of M.I.T lecturers.
Will there be any FAO? (Further Assessment Opportunities)
Due to the nature of the course, it is not feasible to conduct further assessment opportunities. However, you do have an opportunity to resit theory. A practical re-sit opportunity for a minimum of 12 students and a maximum of 18 will be made available at a cost of $90 per student. The practical re-sit will take 6 hours. Arrangement and payment for less than 12 students will be made on a case-by-case basis, to ensure students are able to be assessed and successfully complete the course.